**22:5 The Quran's mathematical miracle is based on the number 19. As it turns out, this number represents the Creator's signature on His creations. Thus, you and I have 209 bones in our bodies (209=19x11). The length of pregnancy for a full term fetus is 266 days (19x14) (Langman's Medical Embryology, T. W. Sadler, Page 88, 1985).

**22:19-22 People who have insisted upon going to Hell will inevitably complain: 'Had we known how bad this is, we would have behaved differently.' They will be told that the horrors of Hell have been pointed out to them in the most graphic, though symbolic, terms. It should be noted that Heaven and Hell are almost invariably mentioned together in the Quran.

**22:26-27 Abraham was the original messenger of Submission (Islam). See 22:78 and Appendix 9.

**22:26-27 Abraham was the original messenger of Submission (Islam). See 22:78 and Appendix 9.

**22:36 Animal offerings from the pilgrims conserve the resources at the pilgrimage site. Note that almost 2,000,000 pilgrims converge on Mecca during pilgrimage.

**22:36 Animal offerings from the pilgrims conserve the resources at the pilgrimage site. Note that almost 2,000,000 pilgrims converge on Mecca during pilgrimage.

**22:49 This command is directed specifically to God's Messenger of the Covenant. This fact, and the specific name of the messenger are mathematically coded into the Quran. See the details, together with the irrefutable proofs, in Appendices 2 and 26.

**22:52 Throughout this worldly test, Satan is allowed to present his point of view (we are born with a representative of Satan in our bodies). This allows the people to make a choice between God's evidence and Satan's evidence. Satan's evidence is invariably based on lies. This system explains the fact that the devil's agents continuously come up with the most absurd lies, insults and accusations against every messenger (see 6:33-34, 8:30, 17:76-77, 27:70).

**22:78 Although all messengers preached one and the same message, "Worship God alone," Abraham was the first messenger to coin the terms "Submission" (Islam) and "Submitter" (Muslim) (2:128). What did Abraham contribute to Submission (Islam)? We learn from 16:123 that all religious duties in Submission were revealed through Abraham (see Appendices 9 & 26).